RSL Queensland's Impact in 2024
RSL Queensland provides practical support, assistance, advice and camaraderie to current and former Australian Defence Force members and their families across Queensland and nationally.
Our mission is to provide care, commemoration and camaraderie to enable veterans and their families to live with dignity and respect. It's our guiding light and underpins all that we do.
Caring for the welfare and interests of veterans
Enabling and supporting the commemoration of the service and sacrifices of veterans
Providing avenues for veterans to rekindle their bonds of service and mateship
RSL Queensland 2030 Strategy
Our 2030 Strategy outlines our intent to provide increased support to more veterans and their families, promote wider recognition of our service people's legacy, and offer a sense of belonging and purpose to all in the veteran community.
Our Services
Our service and programs are driven and informed by ongoing research and tailored to the specific needs of veterans and their families throughout their Defence journey, from enlistment to transition from the ADF and life after service.
Wellbeing and Support
We provide wellbeing and welfare assistance and critical support through counselling, emergency financial aid, rehabilitation, education and other programs.
To help support veterans' and their families' mental and physical resilience, we partner with several organisations to offer a wide range of wellbeing and social connection programs.
In partnership with Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation, RSL Queensland has developed two online learning programs – Go Beyond and RSL Be:Well – to help veterans adjust to life after Defence, and proactively improve their health and wellbeing.
League and Members
Our 10 Districts and more than 230 Sub Branches are at the core of what RSL Queensland does. They work within their regions to provide care, commemoration and camaraderie to veterans and their families in their local communities.
Across Queensland, there are more than 35,000 service, auxiliary and non-league members who volunteer their time on welfare and pension activities, commemorative events, fundraising and Sub Branch support to help veterans and their families.
Employment and Education
To help eligible veterans, veteran dependants and veteran/Defence partners pursue higher education, RSL Queensland offers an annual scholarships program designed to improve participants' employability, sense of purpose and financial security.
Please note: RSL Queensland regularly reviews and refines its services to ensure we’re effectively supporting veterans and their families. As a result, the RSL Scholarships program will not be taking on new ex-Defence and partner applicants at this time. Scholarships for veteran dependants are available through our partnership with the Australian Veterans’ Children Assistance Trust (AVCAT). Applications open 18 August each year. For more information, click here: https://avcat.org.au/scholarships/
The RSL Employment Program helps veterans and veteran/Defence partners in Queensland and beyond find secure and meaningful employment through our extensive network of corporate partners.
RSL Queensland also works in partnership with RSL Tasmania and RSL LifeCare Veteran Services in NSW to deliver the RSL Employment Program.
Advocacy and DVA CLaims
Our highly trained Compensation Advocates help current and ex-serving ADF members navigate the claims process to help them receive the best outcome possible. Our advocacy assistance is free and available online, in person and over the phone.
Research guides RSL Queensland to better understand the needs of the veteran and Defence community and ensures our programs and services effectively meet those needs.
Over the past six years, RSL Queensland has invested more than $14 million in veteran-centric research. Investing in health translation extends the impact of our services, ensuring veterans located nationwide can access information and resources on common veteran health and wellbeing conditions.
Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centres
RSL Queensland’s Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centres are dedicated to improving the lives of current and ex-serving ADF members and their families through a streamlined approach to foster success, purpose and productivity outside of service.
These Centres offer a wide range of services including advocacy, financial and employment advice, mental health and wellbeing support, rehabilitation and social connection activities and skills-based recovery programs.
RSL Queensland National Support and Investment
RSL Queensland supports and, in some instances, provides direct funding to other states to deliver services in support of veterans and their families.
Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation: Over the past six years, RSL Queensland has invested more than $14 million in veteran-centric research to inform federal government, Defence and veteran organisations with credible data and insights.
Mates4Mates: In the last decade, RSL Queensland has invested more than $56 million in Mates4Mates and is committing close to $70 million as part of our 2030 Strategy, supporting veterans and families nationally.
Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centres: RSL Queensland has provided funds towards these Centres to support veterans and families across Queensland, the Northern Territory and Tasmania.
RSL Be:Well and Go Beyond: Designed for veterans, these online learning resources offer health and wellbeing information and tools to assist during and after Defence. These programs are available to all Australian veterans and accessible anywhere, any time.
Soldier Recovery Centre: Across three Queensland Defence bases, RSL Queensland continues to invest in active, on-base programs that support Defence members transitioning to civilian life in Queensland or interstate.
Reaching The Veteran Population
RSL Queensland invests heavily in national programs and services to help veterans and their families across Australia.